Friday, January 23, 2009

What a bummer...

Imagine wake up and hope that you could finish your work. You expect to receive some new emails with the information you need to get you up to speed with your work. Not exactly in my case. I came into office, boot up my laptop and checked my email. 1 NEW EMAIL. Not the exact information I was expecting but there was some use for it. It gave me some confirmation about the programming that I have been doing which is correct. I had a project meeting yesterday evening around 6.10pm. The bad news is everyone's Chinese New Year Leaves are cancelled. *WTF faces*. Ah well, it was expected because they want most of our work to be completed by END JANUARY....meaning the week of CNY la. Good news is? No good news? I don't know. It was just project updates on what is going to happen in February although not detailed....was an informal meeting, no presentation slides. But I am, wanting to finish my program and test it BUT there is JUST NO INFORMATION. Worse of all, 1 part of the program which I require to write/update records is still NOT FINALIZED.

Ain't it?

When I first started off my work in the team, I was shitting in my pants nearly everyday. I know what my requirements for my tasks are but don't have a freaking idea on how to go about it. I'm stressed out almost everyday(Edmund knows it through my emo post like THIS hahaha). I told myself that it's not end of the world, everyone is also having a shitty time so who am I to complain and whine right? Furthermore, I'm a senior consultant so I gotta act like one. I keep telling myself positive thoughts to be calm and collected.


Searched through forums and ask some colleagues and things were starting to get better. Infact, I'm pretty okay with doing what I do now. Although its just the tip of the iceberg, its still knowledge which I find it very useful.

Right now, I've prepared the framework of my program so that when I have the information I need, I could just amend the codes and TEST. But till date, zero. Critical information required are still being prepared and FINALIZED in the specification. So for now, I'm like checking my program through and through because its Object Oriented so I might screw up somewhere. Honestly, its like


I believe hard work pays off at the end of the day. Sure it is a dog eat dog world but you create your own world. If you think your work sucks, think about other people who are looking for a job? I'm happy with where I am...I don't mean that I'm content but I'm appreciate what I have now. Sometimes we forget all the minor things in life and all we do is complain.

"I wished I had a better car"
"I wished I had a better guitar"
"I wished I had a LCD screen"
"I wished I had a bigger house"
"I wished I had a better computer"
And the list goes on.

Instead of all these wishful thinking, have you thank God that you actually HAVE them right now? Imagine those that don't have the privilege of owning them. How would they feel?

Eh eh, emo post again. Ahahahaha ok lah its Friday, its not that bad :D

See, a smile helps

One important lesson in life is still never to give up.


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