Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I am very excited today! It will be my first day hitting a gym!. I know I know...I have been working out at home...so why all the excitement? Hello? Do you have all these at home? For a mere RM50? You guys might be wondering...Why this gym? What about Fitness First? California Fitness? Celebrity Fitness? Here are my reasons:
  1. I do not want to subscribe for 1 year contract with those centers.
  2. I am only interested to use the equipments. I don't dig saunas...steam bath...etc etc
  3. I want to TRAIN. Not staring at girls doing bodypump and Yoga :d Okay was just joking
  4. The gym that I joined is at my work place. VERY convenient.
  5. Dirt Cheap. ONLY RM50 a month
    • RM12.50 A Week
      • RM4.17 a day( If I go 3 times a week)
  6. NO CONTRACT. I can go this month and skip a month! No questions asked!
RM50...must be a bad no equipment gym etc etc. Well think again.

I took these pictures earlier when I went to test my TPM Door tag access. Initially, I thought it was some different tag but it is actually my TPM door tag which was given by my company. So I didn't have to additional pay RM10 in order to get the card. ( RM10 for the card...just to buy the tag but monthly subscription is RM50 only).


Bench Press station!

Squat rack!

I have no freaking idea what those machines are
Front: I think its where you can do concentrated curls.
Back: Bench press station


Body Sculpting Machine? Not sure what it is called....

Stationary Bikes?

1 comment:

johira said...

Hi.I'm a student in apiit.i've some questions to ask:
how can i get tho technoflex within the tpm?
Does technoflex has aerobic/Cardio classes or you just have to use the equipments?