Monday, August 20, 2007

To take or not to take a protein shake?

Some people including myself used to think that taking protein shakes will make a person fat. I was really skeptical too. Here are some facts i found on the web...and alot of reading in health I've even asked my friends...those who workout and all...Thank you Edmund from johor (if you're reading this :p w'sup bro hahaha). Marcus a.k.a Crescent :p miss your nick in dota hahaha

What is Whey Protein and why is it good?
Whey Protein is derived from milk protein. However, unlike milk proteins - whey protein does not contain fat or lactose sugar. Whey protein is the best form of protein to take when using a supplement. Basically with Whey Protein you get all the advantages of protein without the excess baggage other proteins come with - no fat and no lactose. Not only that, studies have shown that Whey Protein can increase our blood levels of glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant which is essential to a healthy immune system. As we get older glutathione levels decrease and our immune system weakens. Studies are still being done - but at the University of Nebraska Medical center they were able to extend the life span of hamsters by 60% by supplementing their diet with Whey Protein. So, whey protein is not only good for building and repairing muscles, it also may extend your life.

What are the reasons I should supplement with whey protein?
* To build muscle mass

* To speed recovery time
* Reduce injuries related to working out
* Maintain a healthy and fit body
* Feel better during your workouts

Will taking protein make me fat?
No - in fact it may help you if you are on a diet. You see the amino acids in protein may help keep your blood sugar levels stabile. This is important because it keeps you feeling good all day and stops your craving for food that occurs when your blood sugar level drops. If your diet is too high in carbohydrates your blood sugar levels go though peaks and valleys. You go from a burst of energy and feeling full to a lull and being hungry. In addition, if you are dieting, getting 17 grams of protein from a protein shake that has only 90 calories is better than getting your protein from a big meal which may have hundreds of calories.

When is the best time to take a protein supplement?
This depends on your diet and when you are eating foods rich in protein. Here are a few points when it is best to take a protein supplement:
1. Right after a workout - this is when your body goes into a stage of recovery and growth. Having the amino acids that make up the protein is key at this point.

2.First thing in the morning - because your body has just gone though 8 hours (or however long you sleep for) of not having food - so the protein levels are way down.

3. Before you go to sleep - this helps prevent the protein breakdown that naturally occurs when we sleep. If you are not trying to build muscle mass then this protein breakdown is fine. But if you are working out - you want to try to minimize any losses you suffer when you sleep and your protein metabolism slows down.
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1 comment:

生番薯 said...

to build muscle...useless for me then