Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Its 7.02pm..I'm still in office. Nothing bad though...I just can't wait to get over with the conference call.

I think I'll jog tonight...crazy right? Yea...but could use a different feel once in awhile. My dinner was a crap load of rice which contradicts with what I'm doing but that is just for today I guess. Its not like I'm eating cheese burger like 3 time a week right?

Don't really want to take forgranted by saying 'cheat day' when it comes to meals.

Some friends has been askign me for a before and after picture. Sure...give me more time. End of this month. I do have some before the month of December 2006. So... :) give me time till end of this month? Let's see if my new diet and cardio workout is progressing well.

BTW, diet isn't about losing weight. its what you eat. Ppl say.."oh..I'm on a diet" to tell ppl you're losing weight..that is crap.

Taken from a site i referred to:
Before we can start talking about diets and diet plans, you must first understand what a diet REALLY is and what it REALLY means. See, people tend to use the phrase "I'm on a diet" when they want to tell people that they are trying to lose weight. People who do this are... well... stupid. A diet IS NOT weight loss. Diets are just simply what you eat on a regular basis. You could eat McDonald's cheeseburgers covered in ice cream 4 times a day, and you'd still be "on a diet." While eating like this would certainly be the worst of all diet plans, you get my point.
If someone said, "that monkey's diet consists of bananas," would that mean the monkey has a weight problem? No, it would just mean that the monkey eats bananas on a regular basis. Saying you're on a diet really just means you eat food. That's why I think it's funny when people state that they're "on a diet" and expect it to mean something it doesn't. "You're on a diet? Wow... congratulations... so is EVERY OTHER LIVING THING ON THE PLANET!!" These people should be saying that out of the many different diets and plans that exist, they're "on a weight loss diet." Hopefully these people are reading this right
now, and hopefully they have learned their lesson. It's ok, we forgive you.

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